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MicroRPM Respiratory Pressure Measurement


SKU: RPM01 MicroRPM Category:


Micro RPM

The MicroRPM (Respiratory Pressure Meter) brings together the measurements of Maximum Inspiratory and Expiratory Mouth Pressures (MIP/MEP) with Sniff Nasal Inspiratory Pressure (SNIP) in one instrument. These simple non-invasive tests of respiratory muscle strength are essential in monitoring patients with COPD who are undergoing a program of lung rehabilitation and are also valuable in the detection of other diseases affecting the function of the respiratory muscles. Simple and easy to use, the pocket-sized, battery operated MicroRPM features a clear digital display of the results in cmH2O and comes complete with all accessories in a sturdy carrying case. Also offered as an optional extra with MicroRPM is Puma, a comprehensive analysis and database software package.

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